Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Scalp Reduction Surgery

Scalp reduction surgery involves removal of bald scalp and bringing the hair-bearing scalp closer to it to fill in the bald area on the scalp. In this operation the surgeon reduces the baldness by cutting out a segment of the bald scalp skin.

Duration of the procedure:
Scalp reductions require about 3-4 hours for each step of the operation.

Post-Operative Care:
 You will wear a compression garment over the head to provide support, which should not be removed for the next few days following surgery. It is important to take the medication prescribed to you by your surgeon to manage discomfort from swelling and bruising. Someone will need to drive you home. Patients normally experience swelling and some numbness for the first few days following the procedure. Because the skin needs time to soften, tightness in the scalp is also common for several months after the operation. Scabbing is also common

Recovery Period:
. Most patients will be able to return to work within 3-5 days following the procedure.

Possible Risks and Complications
There might be some minor complications and side effects of scalp reduction surgery. Some possible complications during and after the surgery include scarring at the suture lines, scalp skin “stretch back” at the excised bald area and central midline scar called slot deformity. Side effects of this hair restoration surgery include temporary discomfort, swelling and numbness in the operated area.

Anesthesia use:
General or local anesthesia with sedation

Hospital admission:
Scalp reduction surgery can be performed on an out patient basis or in the hospital under local or general anesthesia. You and your surgeon will discuss preferences.

Preparation before Surgery:
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.

For more information about the procedures you may contact International Marketing Coordinator: or call mobile phone: +66816572522, Tel: (662) 753-9206

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Liposuction

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Liposuction: "Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, liposculpture suction lipectomy or simply lipo ('suction-assisted fat removal') is the most common co..."

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Liposuction

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Liposuction: "Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, liposculpture suction lipectomy or simply lipo ('suction-assisted fat removal') is the most common co..."


Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, liposculpture suction lipectomy or simply lipo ("suction-assisted fat removal") is the most common cosmetic surgery operation that removes pockets of fats from many different sites on the human body. It can remove stubborn areas of fat that do not respond to traditional weight loss method but remember it is not a substitute for dieting and exercise. It also involves the use of a stainless steel suction tube called a cannula. The cannula is pushed and pulled through the fat layer, breaking up the fat cells and suction them out by a powerful suction pump, thus improving body contour and enhancing self image. Areas of the body where liposuction is performed are: abdomen, hips, outer and inner thighs, flanks, love handles, back, knees, arms, submental (chin), Gynecomastia.
The ideal candidates for liposuction are those who are physically fit, who exercise regularly and are not more than 20 pounds overweight. They may have bulging and flabby areas of the body from fat deposits, especially the abdomen, arms, thighs, and neck. Individuals with certain medical conditions may not be suitable candidates for liposuction.
In all types of liposuction methods, there are certain things that should be considered when having the surgery. It maybe performed as an outpatient procedure or the procedure that will be done in a hospital and may require an overnight stay.
The procedure is performed using a suction devise attached to a small, stainless steel tube called cannula. Through a small incision, the small bore cannula is inserted into fat layer between skin and muscle by alternately pushing and pulling it through the fat layer then suction it out by the use of a vacuum pump or a large syringe. The duration of the surgery will vary according to the amount of fat to be removed.

Duration of the operation:
The duration of liposuction Thailand depends on the number of areas, the size of the area and the amount of fat to be removed.

Post operation care:
  1. A compression garment must be worn for two to four weeks.
  2. If patient had liposuction by local anesthesia, he/she may resume usual diet immediately.
  3. Drink adequate amount of water at least 8- 10 glasses a day or fruit juices to prevent dehydration.
  4. Bed rest is recommended for the first few hours after surgery.
  5. If non-absorbable sutures are placed, the surgeon will remove sutures after 5 to 10 days.
  6. Pain killers will be prescribed to control pain that may last as long as 2 weeks depending on the extent of procedure.
  7. Keep incision clean. Take a shower once or twice daily. Wound dressings need to be changed often. After one to three days, small self-adhesive bandages are sufficient.
  8. Do not apply ice-packs or a heating pad to skin overlying the areas treated by liposuction.
  9. Do not apply hydrogen peroxide or plastic Band-Aids to incision sites. Liposuction incision sites heal faster and better without topical antibiotics.
  10. Do not soak in a bath, Jacuzzi, swimming pool, or the ocean for at least 7 days after surgery in order to minimize the risk of infection.
  11. Patient taking Aspirin and Ibuprofen for at least 3 days after surgery. NSAIDs promote increase the risk of bleeding by impairing platelet function and depress immune response to infection.
  12. Drainage is placed for about 3-7 days depending upon the extent of surgery.
  13. Patient must maintain a proper diet and exercise regimen because the remaining fat cells could still enlarge and form cellulite thus creating irregularities.

Recovery period:
Depending on the extent of liposuction, patients are generally able to return to work between 2 days-2 weeks. Bruising will fade after 1-2 weeks. Swelling will occur and increase 5-10 days after surgery and should subside gradually over 2 weeks- 2 months while numbness persists for several weeks.

We guarantee quality service and satisfying results of the operation but in cases of surgical corrections, patient can assure a free of charge revision.
Please see before and after photos of Dr.Juta’s patients in the Photo Gallery (photographs showed are with patient’s consent).

Possible risk and complications:
With any type of liposuction procedure, complications may arise beyond the minor side effects but they are rare. Some possible complications include infection, allergic reaction to medication or material used during surgery, excessive fluid loss, thromboembolism, injury to the abdominal organs, and excessive loss of body heat (hypothermia), excessive intravenous fluids, aspiration pneumonia and cardiac arrest.
It is the surgeon’s responsibility to give the written list of signs and symptoms to watch for, along with instructions for post-op self-care.
Anesthesia use:
The procedure uses local or general anesthesia
Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis
Preparation before the surgery:
1. Patient and the surgeon will agree ahead of time on exactly which area(s) will be treated and both will discuss what outcome to expect. Assessment of the medical history, physical examination and laboratory tests will be performed during the consultation as well as the explanation of the course of surgery, recovery period, risk and complications.
2. Eat a well balance diet several weeks prior to surgery. Over eating and crash dieting can greatly affect overall health status and well being of the patient.
3. Daily exercises are an important factor to help enhance posture and strength at least 3-4 weeks prior to surgery.
4. Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process. Patient must be free of nicotine patch or nicotine based products for a minimum of 4 weeks prior to surgery.
5.  Patient should avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery.

6. Maintain the best of health and hygiene in the weeks prior to surgery. Colds, virus, throat infection or other illness can result to rescheduling of surgery.
7. If general anesthesia or sedation will be used, and the surgery will be in the morning, fasting from midnight the night before is required. If only local anesthesia will be used, fasting is not required.

Side effects:
·        Bruising: Can be painful in the short term, and should fade after a few weeks.
·        Swelling: is due to an inflammatory reaction to surgical trauma. This will occur and increase 5 to 10 days after surgery and should subside gradually over a month or two.
·        Scars: will vary in size depending on the particular procedure, and should fade over the weeks. Scarring is an individual thing, partly dependent on heredity. For some, scar healing may take as long as a year.
·        Pain: should be temporary and controlled by either over-the-counter medication, or by a prescription.
·        Numbness: sometimes persists for a few weeks.
·        Limited mobility: will depend on the exact procedure.
·        Nausea and vomiting: are among the side effects that may be associated with liposuction. Nausea can be caused by antibiotics, lorazepam, or local anesthesia.
·        Slight temperature elevation during the first 48 hours after surgery is a natural consequence of the body's reaction to surgical trauma.
·        Itching: may occur as part of a normal healing process. To help relieve itching, patient may try taking Benadryl as directed by the doctor

  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests. X-rays may be taken to evaluate the individual's bone structure.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
For more information about the procedures you may contact International Marketing Coordinator: or call mobile phone: +66816572522, Tel: (662) 753-9206


Plastic Surgery in Bangkok: Plastic Surgery in Bangkok: Liposuction

Plastic Surgery in Bangkok: Plastic Surgery in Bangkok: Liposuction: "Plastic Surgery in Bangkok: Liposuction: 'Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, liposculpture suction lipectomy or simply lipo ('suction-as..."

Plastic Surgery in Bangkok: Thigh Lift

Plastic Surgery in Bangkok: Thigh Lift: "Thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to tighten the skin of the thigh and reduce sagging in the inner or outer thigh resulti..."

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Plastic Surgery in Bangkok: Plastic Surgery in Bangkok: Buttock Lift or Butt l...: "Plastic Surgery in Bangkok: Buttock Lift or Butt lift: 'A buttock lift or butt lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is more concerned ..."

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Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Hair Transplant

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Hair Transplant: "Hair transplant is a procedure in which healthy hair is taken from the back or sides of the head (donor site), and placed in the balding ..."

Hair Transplant

Hair transplant is a procedure in which healthy hair is taken from the back or sides of the head (donor site), and placed in the balding area on the scalp. The doctor along with his technicians will dissect and insert the grafts with a small pair of tweezers. After about six hours, the first session is complete and the patient is ready to go home.

Duration of the operation:

Treatment up to 1,000 grafts may take 3-6 hours. Treatment of more than 1,000 grafts will normally be done over 2 or 3 days.

Post operative care:
Hair transplantation is a very safe, relatively minor surgical procedure. Patients are provided with a mild analgesic to relieve any discomfort felt the night following the procedure. Small crusts may form on each graft but you can comb over this area to cover these scabs. These crusts will flake-off by 10-14 days after the surgery. The transplanted hair seen above the scalp will initially be shed, however the roots will remain dormant for 6-12 weeks, at which time the new hairs will all begin to grow. Numbness that may occur in the donor or recipient area usually disappears in 2-8 months following surgery. Patients may experience mild swelling to the forehead area for a few days following surgery.

Recovery period:
The treated area may have slight swelling for a couple of days. Scabs form and fall off within 2 weeks. The skin of the recipient area is healed within 2 weeks. Some or all of hairs in the transplanted grafts drop out in 2-8 weeks. The skin of the donor area is healed within 2 weeks.

Possible risk and complications:
Complications are rare. Severe infection is highly unusual due to the abundant blood supply in the scalp, but minor infections can occur around a newly transplanted hair follicle, similar to an infected ingrown hair or pimple, and responds easily to antibiotics. Minor scars that occur in the donor scalp as a result of the removal of donor skin are narrow and can be easily hidden by the surrounding hair. The graft sites in the recipient frontal area heal with almost no visible scarring and are covered by the transplanted hair. Patients may experience mild swelling to the forehead area for a few days following surgery. In rare occasion, parts of the scalp can remain numb after each procedure but this usually disappears in 2-8 months after the surgery

Anesthesia use:
A general anesthetic or local anesthetic is used

Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis

Preparation before Surgery
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
  • No haircut is advised before the transplant. Leave the hair long to provide better coverage.
For more information about the procedures you may contact International Marketing Coordinator: or call mobile phone: +66816572522, Tel: (662) 753-9206


Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Lip Reduction

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Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Lip Reducti...

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Lip Reducti...: "Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Lip Reduction: 'Lip Reduction, also called reduction cheiloplasty, is the procedure to remove excess ..."

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Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Lip Enhancement Filler

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Lip Enhancement Filler: "Lip enhancement filler can usually plump thin lips giving a voluptuous look. The most common way to increase lip size is with injectable ..."

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Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Forehead Reduction Surgery: "Forehead reduction surgery or hairline lowering surgery can be used to reduce an excessively high hairline or large forehead in both men ..."

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Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Neck Lift: "Neck lift is a minor surgical procedure that improves the appearance of a patient’s neck by removing excess skin and tightening the muscl..."

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Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Thigh Lift

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Thigh Lift: "Thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to tighten the skin of the thigh and reduce sagging in the inner or outer thigh resul..."

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Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Nipple Reduction: "Nipple Reduction is a procedure used to reduce nipple size in a relatively simple procedure. Nipples that droop down or project too far o..."

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Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Lipofilling: "Lipofilling otherwise known as fat transfer, can either be done on its own or in combination with other surgical procedures such as face ..."

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Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Liposuction

Thailand Cosmetic Surgery Procedures: Liposuction: "Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, liposculpture suction lipectomy or simply lipo ('suction-assisted fat removal') is the most common..."

Thigh Lift

Thigh lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to tighten the skin of the thigh and reduce sagging in the inner or outer thigh resulting in smoother and contoured skin. The ideal candidates for thigh lift are patients who have lost a lot of weight and the skin of the inner thigh sags or is droopy. The incision is based on the areas to be treated and extent of correction. The surgeon typically uses an incision that runs from the groin, around the back of the thigh and the crease of the buttock. The underlying tissue will be tightened and skin will be reduced resulting in a more improve body contour. The incisions are then closed with stitches which are either absorbable or non-absorbable.

Duration of the operation:

Post operative care:
  • Patient will feel some discomfort and tightness for the first 48 to 72 hours, but should begin to feel normal after 3 days. Prescribed pain killers will be given to relieve discomfort. Swelling may take 3-5 weeks to subside.
  • Patient will be fitted with a compression garment to protect the incisions and promote shrinking and tightening of the skin after surgery. Drainage tubes are inserted to reduce swelling and get rid of excess fluid. These tubes can be safely removed when the output of drainage fluid is clear and already low.
  • Keep your legs slightly bent at the hips a few days following surgery. This will reduce pain and minimized tension on the incision site. Wound dressing will be done on a daily basis so that incision site remains dry and free from bacterial infection. You may take a shower for about 3 days after surgery. Early ambulation as soon as possible after surgery to reduce the risk of developing blood clots.
Recovery period:
Thigh lift surgery is generally well tolerated, but the recovery time is 2-3 weeks. We strongly recommend strict bed rest for the first 10 days--avoiding all movement to help speed up recovery time. Out of town patients who have the thigh lift must stay a minimum of 2 weeks in town.

We guarantee quality service and satisfying results of the operation but in cases of surgical corrections, patient can assure a free of charge revision.
Please see before and after photos of Dr.Juta’s patients in the Photo Gallery (photographs showed are with patient’s consent).

Possible risk and complications:
There are certain risks associated with any medical procedure. Some of the risks associated with thigh lifts include: Scarring, infection, and bleeding, fluid accumulation, poor wound healing, asymmetry, anesthesia risk, fat necrosis, blood clots, numbness, continuous pain, bruising and swelling, deep vein thrombosis, unsatisfactory results and a possibility of a secondary surgery.
Anesthesia use:
The procedure can be done under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation.

Hospital admission:
You will be requested to sign in hospital consent form. Then you need five nights
admission to hospital for recuperation.

Preparation before surgery:
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests. 
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
  • Bruising and swelling can be minimized if you take certain nutritional supplements before your surgery such as arnica and bromelain. Find out what your surgeon recommends you take – or stop taking – before your surgery to improve the results and minimize the risks. 
For more information about the procedures you may contact: International Marketing Coordinator:, or call  mobile Phone #: +66816572522, Tel #: (02) 753-9206



Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, liposculpture suction lipectomy or simply lipo ("suction-assisted fat removal") is the most common cosmetic surgery operation that removes pockets of fats from many different sites on the human body. It can remove stubborn areas of fat that do not respond to traditional weight loss method but remember it is not a substitute for dieting and exercise. It also involves the use of a stainless steel suction tube called a cannula. The cannula is pushed and pulled through the fat layer, breaking up the fat cells and suction them out by a powerful suction pump, thus improving body contour and enhancing self image. Areas of the body where liposuction is performed are: abdomen, hips, outer and inner thighs, flanks, love handles, back, knees, arms, submental (chin), Gynecomastia.
The ideal candidates for liposuction are those who are physically fit, who exercise regularly and are not more than 20 pounds overweight. They may have bulging and flabby areas of the body from fat deposits, especially the abdomen, arms, thighs, and neck. Individuals with certain medical conditions may not be suitable candidates for liposuction.
In all types of liposuction methods, there are certain things that should be considered when having the surgery. It maybe performed as an outpatient procedure or the procedure that will be done in a hospital and may require an overnight stay.
The procedure is performed using a suction devise attached to a small, stainless steel tube called cannula. Through a small incision, the small bore cannula is inserted into fat layer between skin and muscle by alternately pushing and pulling it through the fat layer then suction it out by the use of a vacuum pump or a large syringe. The duration of the surgery will vary according to the amount of fat to be removed.

Duration of the operation:
The duration of liposuction Thailand depends on the number of areas, the size of the area and the amount of fat to be removed.

Post operation care:
  1. A compression garment must be worn for two to four weeks.
  2. If patient had liposuction by local anesthesia, he/she may resume usual diet immediately.
  3. Drink adequate amount of water at least 8- 10 glasses a day or fruit juices to prevent dehydration.
  4. Bed rest is recommended for the first few hours after surgery.
  5. If non-absorbable sutures are placed, the surgeon will remove sutures after 5 to 10 days.
  6. Pain killers will be prescribed to control pain that may last as long as 2 weeks depending on the extent of procedure.
  7. Keep incision clean. Take a shower once or twice daily. Wound dressings need to be changed often. After one to three days, small self-adhesive bandages are sufficient.
  8. Do not apply ice-packs or a heating pad to skin overlying the areas treated by liposuction.
  9. Do not apply hydrogen peroxide or plastic Band-Aids to incision sites. Liposuction incision sites heal faster and better without topical antibiotics.
  10. Do not soak in a bath, Jacuzzi, swimming pool, or the ocean for at least 7 days after surgery in order to minimize the risk of infection.
  11. Patient taking Aspirin and Ibuprofen for at least 3 days after surgery. NSAIDs promote increase the risk of bleeding by impairing platelet function and depress immune response to infection.
  12. Drainage is placed for about 3-7 days depending upon the extent of surgery.
  13. Patient must maintain a proper diet and exercise regimen because the remaining fat cells could still enlarge and form cellulite thus creating irregularities.

Recovery period:
Depending on the extent of liposuction, patients are generally able to return to work between 2 days-2 weeks. Bruising will fade after 1-2 weeks. Swelling will occur and increase 5-10 days after surgery and should subside gradually over 2 weeks- 2 months while numbness persists for several weeks.

We guarantee quality service and satisfying results of the operation but in cases of surgical corrections, patient can assure a free of charge revision.
Please see before and after photos of Dr.Juta’s patients in the Photo Gallery (photographs showed are with patient’s consent).

Possible risk and complications:
With any type of liposuction procedure, complications may arise beyond the minor side effects but they are rare. Some possible complications include infection, allergic reaction to medication or material used during surgery, excessive fluid loss, thromboembolism, injury to the abdominal organs, and excessive loss of body heat (hypothermia), excessive intravenous fluids, aspiration pneumonia and cardiac arrest.
It is the surgeon’s responsibility to give the written list of signs and symptoms to watch for, along with instructions for post-op self-care.
Anesthesia use:
The procedure uses local or general anesthesia
Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis
Preparation before the surgery:
1. Patient and the surgeon will agree ahead of time on exactly which area(s) will be treated and both will discuss what outcome to expect. Assessment of the medical history, physical examination and laboratory tests will be performed during the consultation as well as the explanation of the course of surgery, recovery period, risk and complications.
2. Eat a well balance diet several weeks prior to surgery. Over eating and crash dieting can greatly affect overall health status and well being of the patient.
3. Daily exercises are an important factor to help enhance posture and strength at least 3-4 weeks prior to surgery.
4. Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process. Patient must be free of nicotine patch or nicotine based products for a minimum of 4 weeks prior to surgery.
5.  Patient should avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery.

6. Maintain the best of health and hygiene in the weeks prior to surgery. Colds, virus, throat infection or other illness can result to rescheduling of surgery.
7. If general anesthesia or sedation will be used, and the surgery will be in the morning, fasting from midnight the night before is required. If only local anesthesia will be used, fasting is not required.

Side effects:
·        Bruising: Can be painful in the short term, and should fade after a few weeks.
·        Swelling: is due to an inflammatory reaction to surgical trauma. This will occur and increase 5 to 10 days after surgery and should subside gradually over a month or two.
·        Scars: will vary in size depending on the particular procedure, and should fade over the weeks. Scarring is an individual thing, partly dependent on heredity. For some, scar healing may take as long as a year.
·        Pain: should be temporary and controlled by either over-the-counter medication, or by a prescription.
·        Numbness: sometimes persists for a few weeks.
·        Limited mobility: will depend on the exact procedure.
·        Nausea and vomiting: are among the side effects that may be associated with liposuction. Nausea can be caused by antibiotics, lorazepam, or local anesthesia.
·        Slight temperature elevation during the first 48 hours after surgery is a natural consequence of the body's reaction to surgical trauma.
·        Itching: may occur as part of a normal healing process. To help relieve itching, patient may try taking Benadryl as directed by the doctor

  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests. 
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
 For more information about the procedures you may contact: International Marketing Coordinator:, or call  mobile Phone #: +66816572522, Tel #: (02) 753-9206


Trachea Shave Surgery

Trachea Shave Surgery (commonly called Adam’s apple Shaving) is a surgical procedure in which the thyroid cartilage is reduced in size by shaving down the cartilage to achieve a more feminine appearance. The procedure can be done as an out patient surgery under local anesthesia or under a general anesthesia. The incision is usually 2-3 cm in length. The surgeon makes a horizontal incision at the highest crease of the skin on the throat below submental (chin) area then the vertical muscles in the throat are separated to expose the cartilage.  The thyroid cartilage is reduced, usually by shaving in the most prominent area and the rim of its upper border. The thyroid cartilage contouring is a delicate process and need to be done meticulously especially for those who have calcified (hard) cartilage due to aging process.

Duration of the operation:
The feminization of the Adam’s apple (trachea shave) takes about 1 hour

Post operative care:
  • During the first 24- 48 hours, patient may experience some varying degrees of swelling and temporary mild voice weakness that includes lowering of pitch and hoarseness following surgery.
  • Apply ice pack to the surgical site for a couple of days to gradually decrease swelling. Swelling will subside over 1-2 weeks and bruising resolves in 1-3 weeks.
  • Patient must rest voice following surgery. Avoid shouting or singing for 2 weeks after surgery.
  • The procedure leaves a prominent red scar that lightens over 1-3 months.
  • Patient will have stitches often supplemented by surgical tape or butterfly bandages for a few days.
  • Wound dressing is performed daily. Stitches and tape must be kept dry at all times.
  • Patient must avoid electrolysis immediately around the incision until surgeon recommends it to continue.
  • Application of antibiotic ointments, vitamin E oil, or other topical preparations is prescribed by some surgeons to aid healing process.
Recovery period:
A piece of gauze will cover the incision for the first 2 or 3 days after Adam’s apple reduction. For about 7 to 10 days you will probably have a burning sensation and some difficulties when swallowing or talking. Patients who underwent Adam's apple removal report that the post op sensation is very similar to a simple sore throat, including a reduction in the ability to speak loudly.

We guarantee quality service and satisfying results of the operation but in cases of surgical corrections, patient can assure a free of charge revision.
Please see before and after photos of Dr.Juta’s patients in the Photo Gallery (photographs showed are with patient’s consent).

Possible risk and complications:
Complications include permanent change in vocal quality which is the result of too much revision or over dissection of the cartilage that may injure the vocal cords, infection may also occur and hematoma.
Anesthesia use:
Adam's apple removal is done under general anesthesia, with other procedures of facial feminization surgery, or alone.

Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis

Preparation before the surgery:
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
 For more information about the procedures you may contact: International Marketing Coordinator:, or call  mobile Phone #: +66816572522, Tel #: (02) 753-9206